Storm Prediction Center - Day 1 Fire Weather Outlook (Today)
The fire weather notifications for today from the Storm Prediction Center.
Storm Prediction Center - Day 2 Fire Weather Outlook (Tomorrow)
The fire weather notifications for tomorrow from the Storm Prediction Center.
Storm Prediction Center - Day 3-8 Fire Weather Outlook
The fire weather notifications for day 3 through 8 from the Storm Prediction Center.
Regional Large Fires
Map of large fires in the region from
Washington Smoke information
Map of wild fire smoke conditions in Washington State from
Useful links

Fire Information
NIFC Situation Report
Washington Smoke Information
GACC Fire Map
NWCC Information Blog
Blue Mountain Interagency Dispatch - Open\Recent Incidents

Fire Weather
GACC 7 Day Significant Fire Potential
Storm Prediction Center - Fire Weather Composite Maps
NIFC Predictive Services - Month 1 Significant fire Outlook
Image of US showing areas that have potential for large fires to develop this month.
NIFC Predictive Services - Month 2 Significant fire Outlook
Image of US showing areas that have potential for large fires to develop next month.
NIFC Predictive Services - Month 3 Significant fire Outlook
Image of US showing areas that have potential for large fires to develop two months from now.
NIFC Predictive Services - Month 4 Significant fire Outlook
Image of US showing areas that have potential for large fires to develop three months from now. - Historic Probability of Large Wildfire
Image of US showing the chance of large wildfire development based on historical average.